This is a brief explanation on my career.

[2024.03 ~ ] Seoul National University
- M.S program in Electrical and Computer Engineering
[2018.03 ~ 2024.02] Seoul National University
- B.S in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Cum Laude

- [2024.03 ~ ] Computer Architecture and Systems Lab (CompArch), Seoul National University, Graduate research assistant
- [2023.06 ~ 2024.02] Computer Architecture and Systems Lab (CompArch), Seoul National University, Undergraduate intern
- [2023.01 ~ 2023.06] Networked Computing and ML Lab (NXC), Seoul National University, Undergraduate intern with project
- [2022.07 ~ 2022.08] Next-Generation Communication Research Center, Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics, Summer internship

Digital System Design and Experiments, ECE 315A, SNU
- [24' Fall] Graduate teaching assistant & Lab session lecturer
- [23' Fall] Undergrauate course Q&A tutor
Digital Systems Design, Samsung Electronics System Expert & Architect, SNU
- [24' Summer] Project teaching assistant
- [24' Spring] Lab session lecturer
Computer Organization, ECE 322, SNU
- [24' Spring] Graduate teaching assistant & Recitation session lecturer
- [23' Spring] Undergraduate tutor for multi major students
Basic Computing: First Adventures in Computing, Faculty of Liberal Education, SNU
- [23' Fall, 23' Spring, 22' Fall, 22' Spring] Undergraduate lab Q&A tutor
Digital Logic Design and Lab, ECE 201A, SNU
- [22' Fall] Undergraduate tutor for multi major students

- [2023.12] Outstanding Tutor Award for Basic Computing course, Faculty of Liberal Education, SNU
- [2018.03 ~ 2023.06] Full tuition Scholarship with National Science and Engineering Scholarship, Korea Student Aid Foundation (KOSAF)

Programming language
- Python, C/C++/CUDA, Verilog/SystemVerilog
- Matplotlib, Pandas (Python Library)
- Pytorch, Tensorflow (ML Framework)
- Xilinx Vivado, Synopsys Design Compiler (Rtl Design Tool)
Spoken language
- Korean (Native), English

- [2020.07 ~ 2022.01] Military Service at Republic of Korea Army